Encouraging words that everyone woman needs to hear every once and while.

It’s a hard world out there for us women. There are so many things and people that try to tear us down; it’s nice to have some encouragement every once and a while. Whether you are a woman or you know one, chances are she needs to hear these words today…and everyday.

You are beautiful.

This one’s a toughie because many women struggle with viewing themselves as beautiful. So, honestly, they may not believe you, but it doesn’t hurt to tell them. And you never know, if you tell someone something consistently, one day they may start to actually believe it themselves. (Tweet that!)

You are not alone.

As women, we so often feel like no one else is going through what we are going through. That’s an incredibly lonely and sad feeling to have. It’s so important for women to feel like they are not weird or crazy for struggling with the things that they struggle with or having the fears that they do. Let the women in your life know that we all have our junk.

You are loved.

Loved more than you can even know or imagine. Telling the women in your life that you love them might seem super obvious, but sometimes a simple reminder that people in their life love them can go a long way to making her day. It can be easy to forget such a simple thing in the midst of the mess that life can sometimes be.


You add value to my life.

Sometimes it can be so easy to feel like our friends are just keeping us around because it’s too much work to get rid of us. Let the women in your life know that she isn’t just fun to be around, but that she is important to you and that she adds value to your life. A simple “I don’t know what I’d do without you” can go a long way!

What can I do to help?

Nothing sounds sweeter to a woman’s ears than to know that someone is “on her team” and wants to know what they can to make her life easier. (Tweet that!) There most likely isn’t anything that you can do to help, but she will be delighted to know that you care enough to help her.

What truths do you think women need to hear? Let me know in the comments below!

49 thoughts on “5 Things Every Woman Needs to Hear

  1. Love this!! And since you asked . . . Women need to hear that they were made for a purpose and their passions and interests MATTER!! Too many women stifle their desires and skills to do what they think they are supposed to do and fit expectations. Thanks for writing this!


  2. Hello there from Thinking Out Loud Thursday. These all are so true for women. We won’t really understand our life as a woman until we understand this, we are passionately loved by the God of the universe AND we are passionately hated by His enemy! We battle both at times. Inviting you to join us at Tuesday Talk link up. Still going on if interested.


  3. I would add you are enough to the list! Every woman must know she does not have to perform for acceptance or affirmation from God. I think we as women are constantly measuring and comparing our value in comparison to the woman next to us. But God gave us His stamp of approval in the womb! Great list and keep up the work you are doing. Be blessed! – Kia


  4. What a great post! I love the ideas that you have shared. Don’t we women love to hear that we are beautiful and loved! I know I do!

    Interestingly, I wrote a post for my daughter that has so many similar ideas. You might enjoy it. I’ve linked it here just as an FYI: http://www.melanieredd.com/5-things-every-daughter-needs-to-hear/

    I think it must be brilliant minds thinking alike!

    Glad to find your site. Came over on the Thinking Out Loud Thursday Link up.


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