5 Podcasts 20-Something Women Will Love

One of my recent obsessions within the past year is podcasts. I listen to them any chance I get, whether I’m multitasking at work, going on a walk, on a long drive or getting housework done. With so many podcasts out there, it’s hard to figure out which ones are actually worth listening to, so I’m here to help you out and talk about some of my faves!

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The Secret to College Success…is a Bedtime!

As a college student, you’ve probably been inundated with advice from everyone from parents to older siblings to your RA. I get it – I’ve been there too. And to be perfectly honest, the first time someone told me to give myself a bedtime in college, I rolled my eyes. I was in college, after all. Isn’t college all about staying up late, having fun with friends and eating junk food? I was not going to be that weirdo who went to bed at nine every night.

That line of thinking didn’t last very long. I realized pretty quickly that staying up until 2 in the morning and going to an early morning class was not compatible AT ALL. I mean, duh, right? I knew I was going to have to make a change, but I wasn’t sure what that change was going to be – until I remembered that advice about giving myself a bedtime.

My life changed completely once I figured out a bedtime routine (and no, I’m not exaggerating). I made sure I got seven hours of sleep every night. Sure, there were nights when I stayed up later than the bedtime I gave myself, but it wasn’t every single night anymore. I was ready for my morning classes – I participated more and got better grades. Who wouldn’t want that?

Have I convinced you yet? Here are my tips to figuring out the right bedtime for you!

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How to Reinvent Yourself in College

When I went to college, I thought my experience should look like a J. Crew catalog. I picked a university 3,000 miles away from home in a small, picturesque New England town. I thought that if I picked a place that was so radically different from the people and place I grew up in, that would be the best way to become the J.Crew model and have a different kind of life.

Boy, was I wrong.

I only spent one year at that school, but it taught me one of the most valuable lessons in life: wherever you go, there you are.

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The Ultimate Guide to Organizing An Entire Semester

It’s getting to be that time of the year again. Summer is almost through and it’s as hot as ever.

You head to the store to grab a bucket of ice cream when you see all the ‘Back to School!’ signs plastered everywhere, and smiling children holding armfuls of school supplies staring up at you.

For most middle and high schoolers, this is the end of a summer of fun and laziness and the beginning of hours filled with boredom and forced education.

Luckily for us, we are college students. Going back to school is one of the things we have been looking forward to all break, even if that’s just mostly to reunite with our friends. With everything starting at the same time, it’s easy to get stressed and allow your schedule to get crazy.

Here’s the ultimate guide to organize your semester so you start the year off right.

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5 Places to Shop on a College Budget

Like most college students on a budget, most of my money goes toward school tuition, school supplies, gas, and food, which leaves me with little to no money for pleasure activities such as my favorite, treating myself to new clothing every other week. However, I don’t let my limited budget stop my shopping habits. Despite limited funds, I have found a way to still shop regularly and you can too. Here are my five places I recommend you to shop while on a college budget:  Continue reading “5 Places to Shop on a College Budget”

Why It’s Important to Take Classes That Aren’t Required

I hate the idea of majors. All of our skills, interests, and vocations being grouped into a single category? No, thank you.

However, since I can’t quadruple major – I can be a dancing, graphic designing, environmental science journalist, right?- I can’t stress the importance of taking those random classes whose descriptions intrigue and light your soul up a little bit. You know exactly the ones I’m talking about.

It’s that random, 2 credit, non-Gen Ed class that will turn you into the person you are meant to be. It’s the classes that let you chase your curiosity.

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How to Create a Budget and Stick to It

Creating a budget is a very grown-up and often tedious task most college students would rather put off until entering the real world. However, avoiding this undertaking is costing students dearly, with 21% of college-aged kids admitting they can “barely keep up” with daily finances.

There are tons of tools designed to make managing money easier, and yet it can be overwhelming for students already consumed by class schedules and project deadlines. The truth is, budgeting is NOT rocket science and you don’t need fancy tutorials or a degree in finance to manage saving and spending. Follow these tips to take control of your money and set yourself up for success upon graduation.

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A Message from Hope Young

It has been an honor to bring helpful and practical content to hundreds of thousands of college girls over the past year. I have met so many wonderful people and made so many great friendships. I have loved reading so many comments from our amazing readers and getting to know you all. I have loved creating a team of editors and contributors and watching them grow. Basically, I’ve loved every part of creating and growing The Young Hopeful. However, sometimes things you love must come to an end. It is bittersweet for me to say that The Young Hopeful will be going on a hiatus indefinitely. We will not be publishing any new content, but our old content will always be here if you want to read through the archives at any time.

This was not an easy decision for me to make, but I think it’s what’s best for myself and for TYH. It’s become difficult to manage a website and also manage my blossoming career in marketing. TYH might make a comeback someday, or it may not. I honestly have no idea what the future looks like.

Thank you faithful readers and wonderful fellow bloggers for all of the support and love. It’s truly been an amazing journey.

All my love, Hope Young

5 Things College Freshmen Need to Hear on Their First Day

The first day of college is thrilling. You’ve got your bags packed, your mind ready, and at least a few ideas about your first dorm room (hint: it will probably not be as cute as what you saw on Pinterest).

But it’s also an overwhelming and emotional time. Saying goodbye to your family; starting a new life, away from your friends; and living, sometimes, in a totally new environment can all be challenging. It’s a balancing act that almost every single freshman around you is facing. So if you’re dealing with that jumble of excitement and emotion today, here’s what I want to tell you: the five things freshman girls need to hear on their first day.

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Financial Aid

Figuring out how to pay for college can be one of the most stressful parts. From student loans to grants to scholarships, it’s hard to figure out how to get the most bang for your buck, but we talked to some financial aid and admissions experts to get some tips on how to get the most out of your college financial aid package.

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